Nuno Preguiça
I am Professor at Department of Computer Science of NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA). I lead the Computer Systems group and I am member of the Board of Directors of NOVA LINCS. I am coordinator of the MSc program in Computer Science and Engineering at NOVA. I am member of Vortex colab’s Supervisory Council and scientific advisor of ElectricSQL. I completed my PhD in Computer Science at NOVA in 2003. My work focused on data management for mobile computing. During the PhD, I have done an internship at Microsoft Research Cambridge. In 2019, I earned the“Habilitation” degree at NOVA. I published over 80 peer-reviewed paper, including papers in CACM, OSDI, VLDB, WWW, EuroSys, Usenix ATC, OOPSLA, MobiSys and ICDCS. My research has focused mostly on data management for mobile and cloudcomputing, distributed data processing and Byzantine fault tolerance. Many cloud databases rely on weak consistency for providing high availability. I co-invented CRDTs [SSS11,ICDCS09], a principled approach to manage data in this context. CRDTs had a significant impact in industry, being adopted in production systems serving millions of users worldwide, such as Redis and Akka. I have also co-proposed Scalable Bloom Filters [IPL08], a probabilistic set data structure used in replication algorithms and adopted in systems such as Redis and CouchDB. Other works that had significant impact include algorithms for providing strong guarantees under weak consistency [OSDI’12, ATC’14, EuroSys’15, PVLDB’18, OOPSLA’21], extending replication to client devices [WWW’17, Middleware’15], support BFT with snapshot isolation [EuroSys’11] and weak consistency [PVLDB’20], and data processing of geo-partitioned data [PVLDB’15]. These works resulted from collaborations with researchers of CS and SS groups at NOVA LINCS, INRIA, U. Minho, IST, MPI-SWS, Microsoft, TU Kaiserlautern, among others. I have obtained significant funding for my research, being the PI of 5 national projects and local-PI/co-PI of 1 EU project, 1 national projects and 1 ANR project. I received several grants from the industry, including a GoogleResearch Award. Additionally, I participated in 2 EU projects (H2020), 1 COST action, 2 CMU-Portugal and 8 national projects (2 w/ industry). I advised (or co-advised) 2 post-docs, 3 PhD (3 on-going), and more than 50 MSc (3 on-going) students, some in collaboration with the industry. I delivered a keynote at MUSEPAT 2013, invited talks at CodeMesh 2015 and J on the Beach 2022 industrial conferences, and Dagstuhl seminars in 2018, 2013. I served in the PC of: EuroSys 24, 23, 21, 16; MobiSys 04; ICDCS06; OPODIS 23, 16, 14; Euro-Par 21, 07, 05; and TRIOS 15, 13 (among others); and co-chaired the Eurosys 15 shadow PC, Inforum 2016 PC and CRIWG 2018 PC. I served in the organization committee of IPIN 2011 and Inforum 2012. I evaluated project proposals for Israel Science Foundation and LACCIR Collaborative ICT Research Federation.