Claudia Soares
Claudia Soares received a B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in Engineering from Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal, as well as a Diploma in modern languages and literature from Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal. Since 2021 she is a researcher with NOVALINCS and an Assistant Professor at NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal. Her research focuses on using optimization, physics, and probability theory to develop trustworthy machine learning models and algorithms for various applications, including environmental monitoring with 3D point clouds, trustworthy healthcare applications, and space. Claudia Soares has graduated one Ph.D. student and currently supervises and co-supervises nine Ph.D. students, jointly with industry, such as Epic Games, CUF Health, GMV, and Neuraspace, and international researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Milan, and the University of Novi Sad, and with NOVA LINCS researchers, in the broad areas of trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.