Bernardo Toninho
I completed my PhD in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Dual degree) in 2015, where I developed a logical foundation for message-passing concurrent programming. From 2015 to 2018 I was a research associate (post-doctoral researcher) at Imperial College London in Prof. Nobuko Yoshida's concurrency research group, where I both continued my PhD work and expanded my focus to include program verification and other compile-time analysis techniques for concurrent and distributed systems. I was hired in 2018 as an assistant professor at FCT NOVA's Computer Science department and an integrated researcher in NOVA LINCS. I was promoted to associate professor in January 2024. Throughout my employment at FCT NOVA I have been a co-coordinator of the study program in Iniciação à Investigação Cientifica, (elected) member of the Computer Science Department council, a member of the executive board of the Computer Science Department and an (elected) member of the Steering Committee of NOVA LINCS. I have been a Program Committee member of several highly-esteemed conferences in my area of research (e.g. SPLASH 2023 and 2024, ICFP 2022, ESOP 2022, CONCUR 2021). I am the general chair of LICS 2026. I have received a distinguished paper award at ECOOP 2022 and INFORUM 2022, a 10-year Most Influential Paper Award at PPDP 2021 and a distinguished reviewer award at ESOP 2022. I co-chaired the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop at POPL 2019 and was an organizer and scientific committee member of the EUTOPIA Doctoral Summer School (NOVA) in 2023. Throughout my career I have participated in multiple international and national research projects, being a part of the project proposal development in the ongoing Horizon-EU funded TaRDIS project and in the concluded FCT MCTES / CMU Portugal-funded project GOLEM. I am supervising a PhD student under the CMU Portugal dual PhD program and have successfully supervised 12 MSc students.